3 Days QuickBooks Training for 10 CRI-L Staff and Volunteers
The Training on the use of QuickBooks for financial reporting is an activity under the AmplifyChange sponsored END-FGM project. The training is intended to strengthen CRI-L Finance and program Staff capacity through the use of advance software that can make financial reporting recording and reporting much easier.
Detail activity:
In the month of January, 2024 CRI-L contracted the services of Premier Consultancy to conduct 3 days training for 10 CRI-L staff and volunteers on the use of QuickBooks for recoding financial transactions and reporting. The training started with the online installation and setup of CRI-L own QuickBooks account on the first day. The next day, introduction to QuickBooks was facilitated by Roland J. Bartee, managing partner of Premier Consultancy and Mr Ernest Jacob, Financial consultant. The training lasted for 3 day and was climaxed with development of financial report by CRI-L Finance and administrative Officer Mrs Kweta Tate-Freeman. The training enabled CRI-L program and finance staff as well as volunteers to understand the basic functions and application of QuickBooks. At the close of the training, the facilitators were able to purchase one year QuickBooks online subscription for CRI-L finance officer to use for recording and reporting financial transactions. The training was attended by 4 program staff, 2 finance staff and 4 volunteers including the Executive Director of CRI-L. The training was conducted from the 9th to the 11th of January, in the conference room of CRI-L office in Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia.
We achieved the following outcomes during the Training of staff members of CRI-L on the use of QuickBooks:
- Successfully completed the training of 10 CRI-L and volunteers
- CRI-L Finance staff now understands the basic functions and applications of QuickBooks and they are now using the system to record financial transactions.
- Successfully purchased and install One year online QuickBooks account for CRI-L
- A more enhanced and improved financial management system
The 3 Days QuickBooks Training for 10 CRI-L Staff and Volunteers